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An outline of historical materialism by Karl Marx

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Nodo Tipo Descripción Visible
Substructure - consists of modes of production
Capitalist and Worker Visibilidad
Capitalist Society Visibilidad
Contending Classes Visibilidad
Feudal Society Visibilidad
Forces of Production Visibilidad
Human knowledge and Skills Visibilidad
Labour Power Visibilidad
Lord and Serf Visibilidad
Master and Slave Visibilidad
Means of Production Visibilidad
Modes of Production Visibilidad
Relations of Production Visibilidad
Slave owning society Visibilidad
Social Formations Visibilidad
Society Visibilidad
Political and Legal Structure, Religion, Morals, Art, Literature, Culture, etc.
Tools and Equipments Visibilidad
Origen Relación Destino Fecha
Base Modes of Production
Capitalist Society Capitalist and Worker
Contending Classes Master and Slave
Feudal Society Capitalist Society
Feudal Society Lord and Serf
Forces of Production Labour Power
Forces of Production Means of Production
Labour Power Human knowledge and Skills
Lord and Serf Capitalist and Worker
Master and Slave Lord and Serf
Means of Production Tools and Equipments
Modes of Production Forces of Production
Modes of Production Relations of Production
Relations of Production Contending Classes
Relations of Production Social Formations
Slave owning society Feudal Society
Slave owning society Master and Slave
Social Formations Slave owning society
Society Base
Society Superstructure


The map shows Karl Marx's evaluation of the process of historical development of the society into two classes, mainly, haves and have nots. 

Here, Marx states that base i.e. Modes of Production always influences the Superstructure in the society.

The class which owns the Forces of Production is always the ruling class. With the change in the nature of the productive forces, relations also undergo changes, creating space for violent revolution and overthrow of existing order. This is known as historical materialism in Marx's interpretation of history.