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Creado por
Nodo Tipo Descripción Visible
active general Visibilidad
affirmation Visibilidad
any problem Visibilidad
autopoietic Visibilidad
belief systems Visibilidad
choices Visibilidad
civil society Visibilidad
collective Visibilidad
common good Visibilidad
communication Visibilidad
Communication Visibilidad
consumption Visibilidad
contradictions Visibilidad
control Visibilidad
cooperation Visibilidad
crically aware Visibilidad
crisis Visibilidad
cultural Visibilidad
debate Visibilidad
deficit Visibilidad
democratic systems Visibilidad
de-responsibilisation Visibilidad
development Visibilidad
disaggregation Visibilidad
disappearing Visibilidad
duties Visibilidad
economic Visibilidad
economy Visibilidad
emancipation process Visibilidad
emergence Visibilidad
epoch Visibilidad
equality Visibilidad
ethic Visibilidad
finance Visibilidad
formal Visibilidad
fragmentation Visibilidad
freedom Visibilidad
globalisation Visibilidad
global production system Visibilidad
individual Visibilidad
individualism Visibilidad
informal Visibilidad
informed Visibilidad
institutions Visibilidad
instrumental rationality Visibilidad
interconnected economy Visibilidad
interdependence Visibilidad
knowledge Visibilidad
knowledge sharing Visibilidad
lack of definitition Visibilidad
liberty Visibilidad
life world Visibilidad
logic of dominion Visibilidad
loneliness Visibilidad
mass media Visibilidad
mediation Visibilidad
mistrust Visibilidad
money Visibilidad
myths Visibilidad
negative deregulation Visibilidad
networks Visibilidad
new forms Visibilidad
new media Visibilidad
new values Visibilidad
obsessive need Visibilidad
opinion Visibilidad
participation Visibilidad
passage Visibilidad
perception Visibilidad
political Visibilidad
political economy of insecurity Visibilidad
politicisation Visibilidad
politics Visibilidad
popular sovereignty Visibilidad
positions Visibilidad
power Visibilidad
power system Visibilidad
precariousness Visibilidad
productivity without workers Visibilidad
protection Visibilidad
public Visibilidad
public opinion Visibilidad
public sphere Visibilidad
radicalizations Visibilidad
rapprochement Visibilidad
re-establishing Visibilidad
representation Visibilidad
resource Visibilidad
rights Visibilidad
risk Visibilidad
sacrifice Visibilidad
sense of belonging Visibilidad
social Visibilidad
social actors Visibilidad
social media & networks Visibilidad
social process Visibilidad
social promotion Visibilidad
social relationships Visibilidad
social ties Visibilidad
society Visibilidad
solution Visibilidad
sovereign individual Visibilidad
space Visibilidad
strengthening Visibilidad
system Visibilidad
systems of belonging Visibilidad
technological Visibilidad
technologies Visibilidad
technology Visibilidad
time Visibilidad
tutelage Visibilidad
two drivers Visibilidad
utilitarianism Visibilidad
visibility Visibilidad
web distributed architecture Visibilidad
western rationality Visibilidad
work Visibilidad
workers' Visibilidad
Origen Relación Destino Fecha
active within their networks
affirmation of individualism
affirmation of utilitarianism
choices are less collective
choices are more individual
civil society in which politics
Communication in times of crisis
Communication perturbs development
Communication together with knowledge
Communication is both social process
Communication is both technology
crisis isn't only of economy
crisis of representation
crisis but is also of society
crisis but is also of western rationality
deficit of political
deficit of social
democratic systems based on lack of definitition
democratic systems featured by politicisation
democratic systems based on popular sovereignty
de-responsibilisation of social actors
development of democratic systems
disaggregation in perception
disappearing of mediation
economy causes emergence
economy weakes global production system
economy causes passage
economy weakes workers'
emancipation process increased freedom
emancipation process increased rights
emancipation process weakened sense of belonging
emancipation process weakened social ties
emergence of political economy of insecurity
epoch marked by affirmation
epoch marked by deficit
epoch marked by fragmentation
epoch marked by mistrust
epoch marked by perception
ethic of sacrifice
finance deprives politics
formal ???? institutions
fragmentation of belief systems
fragmentation is cultural
fragmentation as well as fragmentation
fragmentation is political
fragmentation is social
fragmentation of systems of belonging
globalisation containing contradictions
globalisation of economy
globalisation of finance
globalisation manifested by new forms
globalisation containing radicalizations
globalisation in which two drivers
informal ???? institutions
instrumental rationality characterized by choices
instrumental rationality expressed by disaggregation
instrumental rationality characterized by logic of dominion
interconnected economy in which politics
interdependence both economic
interdependence both technological
knowledge is recognised as common good
knowledge could contribute to rapprochement
knowledge is recognised as resource
knowledge sharing fueling networks
lack of definitition between equality
lack of definitition between liberty
loneliness recognizable by obsessive need
mass media dominating public
mediation between life world
mediation between system
mistrust towards formal
mistrust towards informal
myths of productivity without workers
myths of sovereign individual
negative deregulation of social actors
networks of protection
networks of social promotion
new forms of interdependence
new media dominating public
new values are consumption
new values are money
obsessive need of communication
obsessive need of visibility
passage from risk
passage from work
perception of loneliness
perception of precariousness
perception of space
perception of time
political ???? participation
politicisation of public sphere
politics of control
politics need to act on social media & networks
positions of power
public forming of debate
public forming of opinion
public sphere affected by disappearing
public sphere reduced only to representation
public sphere is system
rapprochement between civil society
rapprochement between power system
rapprochement defining the re-establishing
re-establishing less asymmetrical social relationships
re-establishing that means strengthening
resource able to re-establishing
risk ???? society
sense of belonging as well as systems of belonging
social ???? participation
social actors must be instead active
social actors must be instead crically aware
social actors must be instead informed
social actors competing for positions
social media & networks as technologies
social process should be also knowledge sharing
social process of social actors
society changed by disaggregation
society in which emancipation process
society featuring an epoch
society missing ethic
society that is fashioned by myths
society where new values
solution as any problem
sovereign individual caused de-responsibilisation
sovereign individual hasn't duties
sovereign individual caused negative deregulation
sovereign individual has only rights
strengthening of public opinion
system is autopoietic
system changed by interconnected economy
technologies that aren't for control
technologies that are for cooperation
technology as mass media
technology as new media
technology is falsely believed as solution
two drivers are facing each other fragmentation
two drivers are facing each other interdependence
western rationality expressed by globalisation
western rationality connected with instrumental rationality
work ???? society
workers' ???? rights
workers' ???? tutelage