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Rosenstrasse Demonstration

Creado por
Emily Fisher
Nodo Tipo Descripción Visible
Adolf Hitler Person
Leader of the Nazi Party.
Berlin Gestapo Group
Local Gestapo that carried out factory action
Factory Action Order
The Final Round Up of Jews in Germany.
Jewish Wellfare Office Place
The building where the Jews were being held. The Women protested outside the building on the street.
Joseph Goebbels Person
Reich minister of propaganda. Made order to deport "factory Jews" now that Hitler was sending in laborers.
Reich Main Security Office Place
Office where the order came that stated intermarried Jews were exempt from deportation. 
Rosenstrasse 2-4 Street
Street where Protest took place
The Block of Women Place
Statue that commemorates the protest 
The rose colored pillar Place
Stands where the Jewish Welfare Center had been.
Origen Relación Destino Fecha
Adolf Hitler Agreed that previously exempt Jews would now need to be deported quickly, Joseph Goebbels
Factory Action Initiated the order Adolf Hitler
Factory Action Where the Jews were sent during the Factory Action Jewish Wellfare Office
Jewish Wellfare Office Pillar stands where office once stood The rose colored pillar
Reich Main Security Office Goebbels opposed this decision and helped revoke it once it was learned french slaves would be brought in as labor Joseph Goebbels
Rosenstrasse 2-4 Protest happened outside this building Jewish Wellfare Office