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Healthy Food Retail Programs

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Nodo Tipo Descripción Visible
City Harvest Service Provider
Page 8 Leah's report
Community Food Action, New Settlement Apartments Healthy Food Retail Program
Mission Statement blah blah blah
Community Members Individual
blah blah blah
CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute Research/academic institute Visibilidad
FamilyCook Productions Community-based Organization Visibilidad
Food Policy, NYC Mayor's Office Government
For example, Molly Hartman, former Director of NYC’s FRESH program and current Senior Advisor for Food Policy within the Office of the Mayor, found HFRAN events a useful chance to connect with people working on the ground and running programs. As Molly said, “In city government we can sometimes feel removed. I like talking to community focused staff… each conversation I have [through HFRAN] fills out the picture of the community I have in my head a bit more.” PAGE 6, Leah Eden's report
LISC’s Communities for Healthy Food NYC Service Provider Visibilidad
New York City Council Government Visibilidad
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Government Visibilidad
SoBro Community-based Organization Visibilidad
United Way of New York City Community-based Organization Visibilidad
Origen Relación Destino Fecha
City Harvest Shared culturally appropriate nutrition materials CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute
City Harvest Testified about impact of grocery store closure New York City Council
Community Food Action, New Settlement Apartments Connected each other with store owners City Harvest
Community Members Clarified community needs NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Food Policy, NYC Mayor's Office Shared research on consumer behavior LISC’s Communities for Healthy Food NYC
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Sustained relationship with each other easily City Harvest
NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Shared technical assistance FamilyCook Productions
SoBro Shared strategies and advice NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
United Way of New York City Launched Bodega Bucks Program NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene