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Carmilla chapter 2, demo 1

Creado por
Karen Wade
Nodo Tipo Descripción Visible Grupos Conexiones Relevancia Intermediación Cercanía Nuclearidad
A female voice female Visibilidad 2.00 2.00 0.13 2.91 0.45 2.00
Bertha Rheinfeldt female Visibilidad 4.00 8.00 0.74 0.50 0.43 6.00
Carmilla female Visibilidad 4.00 11.00 1.00 3.32 0.48 6.00
Carmilla's mother female Visibilidad 1.00 10.00 0.68 38.91 0.53 6.00
Four horses unknown Visibilidad 2.00 2.00 0.02 4.06 0.36 2.00
General Spielsdorf male Visibilidad 4.00 7.00 0.51 9.81 0.48 6.00
Laura female Visibilidad 4.00 13.00 0.96 51.25 0.61 6.00
Laura's Father male Visibilidad 4.00 11.00 0.96 5.76 0.51 6.00
Madame Perrodon female Visibilidad 3.00 11.00 0.63 44.87 0.57 6.00
Mademoiselle de Lafontaine female Visibilidad 3.00 6.00 0.30 21.00 0.43 3.00
Mademoiselle de Lafontaine's father male Visibilidad 3.00 2.00 0.07 0.00 0.31 2.00
Mate of a Merchant Ship male Visibilidad 3.00 2.00 0.15 0.00 0.40 2.00
One of the leaders male Visibilidad 2.00 2.00 0.03 3.15 0.38 2.00
The footmen male Visibilidad 2.00 2.00 0.09 4.29 0.44 2.00
The horses unknown Visibilidad 1.00 4.00 0.17 20.37 0.43 2.00
The men male Visibilidad 1.00 2.00 0.09 1.73 0.36 2.00
The postilions male Visibilidad 2.00 2.00 0.04 2.38 0.37 2.00
The whole team unknown Visibilidad 2.00 4.00 0.21 23.79 0.51 2.00
Two horsemen male Visibilidad 2.00 6.00 0.12 32.59 0.47 2.00
Two men rode behind male Visibilidad 2.00 3.00 0.03 6.79 0.36 2.00
Two of the horses unknown Visibilidad 1.00 2.00 0.09 2.52 0.38 2.00
Origen Relación Destino Fecha
A female voice Laura
Bertha Rheinfeldt Bertha Rheinfeldt
Bertha Rheinfeldt Carmilla
Bertha Rheinfeldt General Spielsdorf
Bertha Rheinfeldt Laura
Carmilla Bertha Rheinfeldt
Carmilla Carmilla
Carmilla Carmilla's mother
Carmilla Laura
Carmilla Laura's Father
Carmilla Madame Perrodon
Carmilla's mother Carmilla
Carmilla's mother Carmilla's mother
Carmilla's mother Laura
Carmilla's mother The horses
Four horses Two men rode behind
General Spielsdorf General Spielsdorf
General Spielsdorf Laura's Father
General Spielsdorf Two horsemen
Laura Bertha Rheinfeldt
Laura Carmilla
Laura General Spielsdorf
Laura Laura's Father
Laura Madame Perrodon
Laura The whole team
Laura's Father Bertha Rheinfeldt
Laura's Father Carmilla
Laura's Father Carmilla's mother
Laura's Father General Spielsdorf
Laura's Father Laura
Laura's Father Laura's Father
Laura's Father Madame Perrodon
Madame Perrodon Carmilla's mother
Madame Perrodon Madame Perrodon
Madame Perrodon Mademoiselle de Lafontaine
Madame Perrodon The footmen
Madame Perrodon Two of the horses
Mademoiselle de Lafontaine Laura
Mademoiselle de Lafontaine Madame Perrodon
Mademoiselle de Lafontaine Mademoiselle de Lafontaine's father
Mademoiselle de Lafontaine Mate of a Merchant Ship
Mademoiselle de Lafontaine's father Mademoiselle de Lafontaine
Mate of a Merchant Ship Laura
One of the leaders The whole team
The footmen Two horsemen
The horses Carmilla's mother
The horses Two men rode behind
The men Carmilla's mother
The postilions The horses
The whole team Madame Perrodon
The whole team Two horsemen
Two horsemen A female voice
Two horsemen Four horses
Two horsemen The postilions
Two men rode behind One of the leaders
Two of the horses The men