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Weapons Used During 6/1

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creative works
Nodo Tipo Descripción Visible
40mm impact rounds (Flash Bangs) Visibilidad
Batons & Shields Visibilidad
Canine Visibilidad
June Fist Testimony
"Law enforcement used weapons (tear gas, pepper spray, rubber bullets, batons) on unarmed protesters engaging in civil disobedience protected by the first amendment, and against me an unarmed observer."
Kettling Visibilidad
Pepper Balls & Pepper Spray Visibilidad
"The physical symptoms of exposure often result in disorientation and agitation, which can lead to a state of fear, anxiety, and panic. In some instances of prolonged and repeated exposure in protest settings, symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder have been documented." --- Physicians for Human Rights. "Crowd-Control Weapons and Social Protest in the United States." PHR Primer. June 16, 2020 IMAGE CREDIT: MUSTANG NEWS
Rubber Bullets (Kinetic Impact Projectiles) Visibilidad
Tear Gas (cN Gas) Visibilidad
Origen Relación Destino Fecha
June Fist Testimony Pepper Balls & Pepper Spray
PHR Pepper Balls & Pepper Spray