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IMPORTANT: Onodo will close on June 30th. Please back up your data!

Work Items Mental Models

Creado por
Nodo Tipo Descripción Visible Grupos Conexiones Relevancia Intermediación Cercanía Nuclearidad
access Visibilidad 5.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.28 1.00
alert Visibilidad 1.00 10.00 0.20 12.55 0.43 8.00
board Visibilidad 4.00 14.00 0.50 23.35 0.48 10.00
branch Visibilidad 5.00 18.00 0.43 75.91 0.48 9.00
bugs Visibilidad 4.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.32 1.00
calendar Visibilidad 2.00 5.00 0.12 45.00 0.34 4.00
code base Visibilidad 5.00 2.00 0.03 0.00 0.33 2.00
commit Visibilidad 5.00 10.00 0.18 9.24 0.41 7.00
defect Visibilidad 1.00 17.00 0.47 31.56 0.48 8.00
document Visibilidad 2.00 3.00 0.06 0.00 0.37 3.00
enhancements Visibilidad 3.00 2.00 0.10 0.00 0.41 2.00
epic Visibilidad 2.00 38.00 1.00 266.56 0.61 10.00
feature Visibilidad 3.00 15.00 0.62 11.57 0.49 10.00
feature flag Visibilidad 5.00 3.00 0.07 45.00 0.39 2.00
group Visibilidad 2.00 3.00 0.14 0.00 0.41 3.00
hazard analysis Visibilidad 5.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.32 1.00
incident Visibilidad 1.00 13.00 0.29 4.67 0.46 8.00
insufficient requirement Visibilidad 3.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.37 1.00
issue Visibilidad 1.00 24.00 0.74 76.14 0.57 10.00
key dates Visibilidad 2.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.34 1.00
key result Visibilidad 2.00 14.00 0.36 41.00 0.51 8.00
list Visibilidad 4.00 6.00 0.16 50.08 0.46 5.00
maintenance Visibilidad 1.00 6.00 0.13 14.24 0.44 5.00
meetings Visibilidad 2.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.26 1.00
merge request Visibilidad 5.00 9.00 0.19 11.69 0.45 7.00
metric Visibilidad 4.00 9.00 0.21 7.14 0.43 7.00
objective Visibilidad 2.00 9.00 0.22 4.16 0.41 8.00
peer review Visibilidad 5.00 2.00 0.06 1.36 0.39 2.00
product Visibilidad 2.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.34 1.00
product area Visibilidad 3.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.37 1.00
product team requirement Visibilidad 2.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.38 1.00
project Visibilidad 2.00 18.00 0.57 73.17 0.51 10.00
report Visibilidad 4.00 10.00 0.18 52.53 0.46 7.00
requirement Visibilidad 2.00 12.00 0.40 48.35 0.48 9.00
roadmap Visibilidad 2.00 26.00 0.57 211.70 0.51 10.00
spec Visibilidad 2.00 1.00 0.02 0.00 0.33 1.00
spint goals Visibilidad 2.00 1.00 0.03 0.00 0.34 1.00
sprint goals Visibilidad 3.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.37 1.00
story Visibilidad 3.00 31.00 0.99 182.50 0.58 10.00
story point velocity Visibilidad 4.00 1.00 0.01 0.00 0.32 1.00
sub-task Visibilidad 5.00 2.00 0.07 0.00 0.38 2.00
task Visibilidad 3.00 33.00 0.91 232.19 0.58 10.00
test case Visibilidad 5.00 9.00 0.14 62.39 0.46 6.00
test session Visibilidad 5.00 7.00 0.09 5.73 0.36 6.00
ticket Visibilidad 3.00 1.00 0.05 0.00 0.37 1.00
version control system Visibilidad 1.00 3.00 0.03 0.09 0.33 3.00
vulnerability Visibilidad 1.00 9.00 0.22 20.16 0.46 7.00
Origen Relación Destino Fecha
alert is a child of incident
alert creates incident
alert creates issue
alert starts maintenance
alert is visible on version control system
board is a parent of epic
board shows a list of issue
board creates metric
board determines project
board belongs to project
board shows a list of story
board shows a list of task
branch has a code base
branch one to many commit
branch contains commit
branch push commit
branch named after feature
branch controls feature flag
branch can have issue
branch contains merge request
branch is related to project
branch belongs to task
calendar is related to roadmap
calendar is visible on roadmap
code base has multiple commit
commit belongs to branch
commit completes merge request
commit creates merge request
commit push merge request
defect creates alert
defect is a child of epic
defect document as issue
defect is a kind of issue
defect creates report
defect creates story
defect is a kind of task
defect is visible on test session
document contains key result
document contains objective
enhancements is a parent of task
epic is a parent of alert
epic is visible on board
epic is a child of board
epic is a parent of defect
epic is a parent of enhancements
epic is a child of group
epic is a parent of incident
epic is a parent of issue
epic is a parent of maintenance
epic is a parent of metric
epic is followed by peer review
epic is generated by product team requirement
epic is visible on project
epic is related to project
epic contains requirement
epic is visible on roadmap
epic is related to roadmap
epic is a parent of story
epic shows a list of story
epic contains story
epic is a parent of vulnerability
feature is broken down to epic
feature is a child of epic
feature belongs to epic
feature is a kind of issue
feature is a kind of task
feature is a parent of task
feature flag controls access
incident is generated by alert
incident creates alert
incident shows a list of alert
incident creates defect
incident generates defect
incident is a kind of defect
incident creates issue
incident shows a list of report
incident is a kind of task
incident generates vulnerability
issue starts branch
issue generates branch
issue is a kind of defect
issue belongs to epic
issue belongs to list
issue is visible on project
issue is related to requirement
issue is generated by roadmap
issue is related to story
issue is a parent of task
key dates is generated by roadmap
key result belongs to epic
key result are used to create epic
key result is a kind of metric
key result is related to objective
key result shows a list of report
key result is related to requirement
key result is generated by roadmap
key result creates task
list belongs to board
list creates bugs
list creates story
maintenance is a kind of task
maintenance protect against vulnerability
meetings scheduled on calendar
merge request contains branch
merge request gets added to epic
merge request is related to test session
metric is visible on board
metric belongs to key result
metric contians key result
metric is related to report
metric is visible on roadmap
objective is a parent of issue
objective contains key result
objective is visible on requirement
objective is generated by roadmap
objective belongs to roadmap
objective is visible on roadmap
product is related to project
project creates branch
project starts epic
project contains epic
project is a kind of group
project contains requirement
project has a roadmap
project is generated by roadmap
project shows a list of story
report is visible on board
report starts maintenance
report contains metric
requirement creates epic
requirement is generated by feature
requirement belongs to feature
requirement belongs to project
requirement defines story
roadmap is related to calendar
roadmap is a kind of calendar
roadmap is generated by document
roadmap decides priority of epic
roadmap shows a list of feature
roadmap contains feature
roadmap contains key result
roadmap contains list
roadmap is a parent of objective
roadmap contains project
roadmap is visible on project
spec contains requirement
spint goals is generated by roadmap
story gets assigned to board
story lives on branch
story can be blocked by defect
story belongs to epic
story is a child of epic
story is a parent of feature
story contains feature
story is a child of feature
story can belong to group
story is a kind of issue
story contains key result
story creates merge request
story contains product area
story belongs to roadmap
story contains sprint goals
story generates task
story is a kind of task
story contains task
story is a parent of task
story contains ticket
story point velocity is visible on report
sub-task creates branch
task is visible on board
task has a branch
task creates commit
task is a child of epic
task is a child of feature
task is a parent of feature flag
task can be blocked by insufficient requirement
task is a kind of issue
task belongs to issue
task generates issue
task creates report
task is a parent of requirement
task is a child of story
task can block story
task is a parent of sub-task
task can be blocked by task
test case belongs to commit
test case is a child of epic
test case is generated by hazard analysis
test case creates list
test case single merge request
test case is a child of task
test session results in defect
test session completes peer review
test session is a parent of test case
test session contains test case
test session shows a list of test case
version control system contains maintenance
version control system contains vulnerability
vulnerability is generated by defect
vulnerability generates defect
vulnerability document as issue
vulnerability is a kind of report
vulnerability is a kind of task