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IMPORTANT: Onodo will close on June 30th. Please back up your data!


Creado por
chris sweeney
Nodo Tipo Descripción Visible
App Whitelisting Endpoint
 | Users can run some unauthorized programs on their PC
 Unaudited or approved software may be legitimate but is also a risk vector for hacking and data exfiltration. Possible ICONIQ software ecosystem can be restricted to an approved list by administrative controls.
Spam Network Visibilidad
SSL Decryption Network
 | Encrypted traffic to the internet can't be inspected and fully logged
 The majority of significant web traffic is encrypted. Therefore, most internet traffic is not inspected for malicious attack signatures, application identification, data loss and suspicious activity.  
User Vector Visibilidad
Origen Relación Destino Fecha
App Whitelisting User User
Spam User User